Y passes the EN Test

Although the Y has been around for a few years now and has sold throughout the world, we have always been very conscious of the tests and the certifications in the bike industry. For a long time load trailers were tested as passenger trailers. Now there is special EN Test for luggage carrying trailers for bicycles. The renowned German testing agency velotech.de was picked to do the testing.

To pass the test, we had to make some changes. For example, we needed to fit deflectors and a safety strap to meet the demands of the test. All mechanical tests were passed with ease, even at the heavy load weight that we advertise: 45 kg for the Y small and 90 kg for the Y large. We are proud to say that both Y trailers have passed the DIN EN 15198 test.

Many thanks to those who made this possible: Holger Diehm, Andre Gläser, Nick Lobnitz, Andreas Deutsch, Jim Lin and Ernst Brust. Thanks guys!

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