Crossing the Salt Desert

Wolfgang Kulow is a 69 year old extreme sportsman. His latest trip was crossing the Bolivian salt desert for charity.

Here is the text from the Facbook Page of the project:

We crossed the biggest and highest salt desert in the world. Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia. Seven days – 160 kilometers. Start was on October 20th. We take action for the outstanding work of the human rights organisation Target e.V. Founder is survival expert RĂĽdiger Nehberg and his wife Annette. They fight against female genitale mutilation (#fgm) in Ethiopia. They urgently need an ambulance for their clinic, to reach highly affected girls and woman in isolated areas. It costs about 22.000 Euro. The distance across the Bolivian desert is about the same distance women need to walk to reach a clinic in Ethiopia.

Wolfgang was riding a Stevens Fat Bike, pulling a Carry Freedom Y-small trailer and connected using a Robert Axle Project Thru-Axle. The trailer was used to carry water across the desert, because no water stops along the way. The bike and trailer survived the extreme conditions (cold, altitude, sharp surface, wind etc.). All proceeds go to the charity listed. Maybe some of you would like to donate:

LINK to the Charity

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